Sentry Redacted Stack Details Solution
When I first started using Sentry I had a problem of all my Thread or Stack details <redacted>. The reason was because I did not upload my debug symbols (aka Custom Integrations). I have an iOS application I built with Swift. It crashes the first time you open it after downloading it from TestFlight. Unfortunately, my Xcode Crashes are not uploading – another problem to resolve, but in the mean time I have trying to work with Sentry.
After successfully adding the package and getting my TestFlight app to connect with Sentry API, I found some seemingly important details were being redacted.
Figure 1 Sentry Issue with stack information redacted
A friend suggested that it might be my debug symbols or Integrating the Xcode compiled .xarchieve file with my Sentry project.
Here is what I did to get these visible.
1. Download sentry cli
curl -sL | SENTRY_CLI_VERSION="2.20.5" sh
2. Locate the .xacheive files
a. You will need the path. Mine was: "/Users/nick/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2023-09-02/TuRincon 02-09-2023 09.11.xcarchive"
b. To find it go to your Xcode project > Window > Organizer > Select and Archives > then right click to “Show in Finder”
Figure 2 Xcode project archive .xcarchive file
3. Setup integrations
a. website logged in as you.
b. Left panel under your name “Settings”
c. Click on “Custom Integrations” link next panel just inside form Settings
d. Click “Create New Integration”
e. Choose Type: “Internal Integration”
i. Here I have it a name. Nothing for webhooks.
ii. Select project: read&write permission
iii. I also added Issue & Event read&write permission (Bard did not suggest this, it just seemed like something I might need)
Figure 3 Integration Tokens
4. Use sentry cli from the terminal:
Code Snippet 1 Sentry Terminal Command
sentry-cli debug-files upload --auth-token 0e54bb9f241c9d5a067284130a54e3b1ed3c70561da7aca22266d84f99c4b435 \
--include-sources \
--org nick-rodriguez-911def83e \
--project apple-ios \
"/Users/nick/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2023-09-02/TuRincon 02-09-2023 09.11.xcarchive"
Here is what my terminal looked like on success
Figure 4 Successful upload of .xcarchive file to Sentry
Other things I did that I am not sure impact
· Setup a token for API key to App Connect Store
But after finishing this post I’m pretty sure this has nothing to with fixing the redacted stack details because after you do the sentry cli commands